Replies like that are how I get myself banned... Perhaps I can behave myself.
There are a lot of reasonable discussions about the methodologies binning of papers into "support" and "don't support" categories. Your article that begins with "Global warming alarmists and their allies in the liberal media..." is clearly not one of them.
Congrats, you got one thing right, it's an opinion piece. Which is why it says OPINION at the top. We're supposed to be smart enough to filter out the opinions, and stick to the facts. Facts being what did the paper claim, versus what was.
1. Do you believe the average temperate has increased since the start of the industrial revolution?
2. Do you believe Carbon Dioxide, a green house gas, can affect temperature?
3. Do you believe that Carbon Dioxide has increased since the start of the industrial revolution?
4. Do you believe that human beings have contributed to the increase in CO2?
5. Do you think that human beings have contributed to the warming since the industrial revolution?
The generic, pointlessly misleading questions, which will then be applied to show support for the "standard" model of climate change espoused by the IPCC, that man is causing ~90% of the warming via anthropogenic greenhouse gas increases.
The reputable surveys about scientific consensus generally aren't from polling random scientists. They are usually done by doing a survey of articles published in scientific journals and seeing what percentage agree with, disagree with, or are agnostic with regards to the "standard" model of climate change. Its a much better way of doing things.
The relevant response, stating that reputable surveys would be on articles to see whether they agree with the afformentioned "standard" model.
The Cook survey? Checked if they agreed with 50%, then threw out all the non-committals. Got caught with their pants down on the article classification side, miss classifying works, some entirely unrelated, some from noted skeptics, as explicitly or implicitly endorsing.
So... were you just making sure everyone knew I was right?