I will place here my entire collection of mods that are made for LH specifically in one place. Currently I've not updated all of them yet, but I'll slowly post up new changes. (All of these files are desgined to be extracted to the \mods folder, i.e. documents\my games\LegendaryHeroes\Mods) Be sure to have mods enabled to use them if you use that folder.
The notable change-log is in post 2
***you must start a NEW game to see any changes --- your save files store all the previous xml data***
The version numbers will be updated as I go along.
The List: (Last Updated: 11/12/2013) Added Sacrificial Elementals
[v2.0] SNAKING: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/Snaking/SnakingLHv2_0.zip
- enables the user to build piers and logging camps whenever their city is near a river or forest (not just the city hub, any part of the city)
[v1.2] HENCHWOMEN: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/HenchmanFemale/HenchmanFemalev1_2.zip
--- QUESTPACK DLC VERSION: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/HenchmanFemale/HenchmanFemalev1_2QDLC.zip
- enables the user to EDIT these henchwomen to make female henchmen as well as their male counterparts.
- Adds a quest where you can get Francine a candle bearer. A rather unique quest with a surprise fight in a tower.
[v1.0] RIVER BRIDGE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/RiverBridge/RiverBridgev1_0.zip
- enables the user to build a bridge when reaching a river. Once built it allows you to build your city on the other side of the river.
[v0.96] ARMORED MILITIA: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/Militia%20Armor/Militia%20Armorv0_96.zip
- adds the ability for militia to have weak armor when researching high level techs in the tree.
[v0.85] TENTSTYLE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/TentStyle/TentStylev0_85.zip
- adds an entire new building style with 85+ new building designed around tents. Most tiles do not utilize the height and are just tents.
***SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALL*** To install extract all the files into your mods directory. The second step is to remove the factions you do NOT want to have the tent style building for your game. The tent style is designed around the kingdoms and so all the kingdoms are listed in the game. For those playing Child of the Storm the Centaurs have the tent style set up for this class (per their lore) *** For any custom faction (race) you create you need only add the line <BuildingStyle>TentStyle</BuildingStyle> in the race config and your custom faction will be using tents.
[v0.85] HENCHMAN MAY DIE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/nonChampionsDie/nonChampionsDiev0_85.zip
- Provides an injury only obtainable by henchmen that will kill them the next time you enter a tactical battle and they die.
[v0.7] WONDER BASE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/WondersBase/WonderBasev0_7.zip
- Provides similar bases to all the world wonders, and takes 90% of the time to build, at a fraction of the bonus. If you complete these bases, then you can build the last 10% and make the world wonder of full effect. Essentially the world wonders are no longer removed from your que when someone starts building them.
[v1.0] SWAMP TILES: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/SwampTiles/SwampTilesv1_0.zip
- Adds new improvements that allows you to build whenever your city hub is next to a swamp. These improvements provide your units with fire or toxic attack.
[v1.0] DEATH ADEPTS: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/DeathAbility/DeathAbilityv1_0.zip
- adds for henchmen the death adept ability and removes the life adept ability for fallen empire using the race of men. You will only notice a change if you make a custom faction with the race of men.
[v1.0] QUEST MAN UNDER THE TREE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/Quest_ManUnderTheTree/Quest_ManUnderTheTreev1_0.zip (Special thanks to DsRaider for the Improvement Icon)
- Adds a new quest, where you can obtain a city improvement called the Gildar Tree. This was specially made for Trojasmic as it was his quest idea.
[v0.86] KINGDOM BINDINGS: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/BindingElementals/BindingElementalsv0_86.zip
- Adds a new version of binding for kingdom custom factions, with somewhat new elementals.
- Adds the Glass Elemental - the uncorrupted version of the mirror elemental
- Adds the Inferno Spirit - the uncorrupted version of the Burning Wraith
- Adds the Eagle Spirit - the uncorrupted version of the Crow Demon
- Adds the Perlite Elemental - the uncorrupted version of the Grave Elemental
- Adds the Iru Servant - the uncorrupted version of the Cyndrum Demon
- Adds Angelic Shortsword
- Adds Weak Gladiator Armor
[v1.1] MAUL DEBUFF CHANGE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/MaulChange/MaulChangev1_1.zip
- Changes the Maul ability to lose 10% accuracy plus 10 more.
- Changes the Maul ability to lose 10% damage plus 2 more. Prevents the infinite maul syndrome for prone troops.
[v0.6] AI and Immunity: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/AI%20Fixes/AI%20Spell/AISpellCollectionUpdatev0_6.zip
- Updates the AI to consider some immunities when using fire attacks, lightning attacks, and cold attacks
*** When 1.3 comes out this mod may be part of the main game or an unnecessary mod ***
*** The last feature of this mod, AI doesn't attack units with attack < 5, may become mute with the next update ***
[v1.1] SUMMONER UNITS: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/Summoner%20Units/Summoner%20UnitsLHv1_1.zip
- Adds a trainable unit that has the ability to summon either an earth, ice, air, or fire elemental.
- Adds an ability for custom unit designs to summon either an earth, ice, air, or fire elemental.
- Adds 4 new quests where you can get a special powerful summoner unit upon completion
- CoS compatible version - install this version if you are using CoS - note you will have to design your own summoner units for the added factions. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/Summoner%20Units/Summoner%20UnitsCOSLHv1_1.zip
[v0.95] ARMOR ATTRIBUTES: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/ArmorAttributes/ArmorAttributesv0_95.zip
- Stops the player from using a chain armor ability in unit design when the faction only has the ability light plate
- Stops the player from using both Armor proficiencies when using a faction that has the weakness no armor
- Updated Wraith Units to not have the Armor Prerequisites, the stock faction has no armor as default faction choice. Note: Does not interfere with custom Wraith factions that choose to have armor.
- Updated quite a few AI designs to utilize the new prereqs and other AI updates
[v0.90] SACRIFICIAL ELEMENTALS: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/75549875/Fallen%20Enchantress/LH%20Mods/ElementalSuits/ElementalSuitsv0_9.zip
The war against the fallen enchantress has gotten desperate and willing men and women sacrifice themselves to the elements to help combat the growing fallen empire.
- Adds 4 elemental suits as special units to train for the Amarian race - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth
-- Fire gives the wearer fire attack bonus as well as decent armor
-- Ice give the wearer cold attack bonus and whenever struck the opponent is stricken with -3 to initiative
-- Lightning gives the wearer lightning damage as well as the ability to teleport across the battlefield
-- Earth gives the wearer toxic damage as well as great armor. Including the ability to hurl boulders at the opponents
- For those with the Alignment of Kingdom - Life Elemental Suit - Gives the user the ability to cast shrink on the opponent
- For those with the Alignment of Empire - Death Elemental Suit - Gives the user the ability to cast blindness on the opponent