Yes, the threshold of truly understanding information in a quantitative sense, something that we can do easily with gigabyte hard drive, but not so easily with things in the real world. How much "information" is truly inside a single cell? What sort of understanding of the interactions between energy, matter, and everything goes on in that microcosm, and how would you quantify it? How does life actually make decisions that are logical, how does life "think" at the cellular level? I truly think that since quantum physics has proven that intentions change outcomes with a direct cause and effect, that information is as potent of a force in the universe as gravity. Understanding information and what or who is a very exciting field that is its infancy. The internet is just an imitation of what truly exists in our universe, information that is all knowing and all existing. It is as difficult as measuring the mass of air with a scale, science is going to have some fun with this problem. Its nice that I use intuition and tap into this understanding of the universe from its source, science is going to have a long time deciding precisely how this is done. After all, everything has been done before and science is on a quest of rediscovery. Yes intuition can be proved wrong, but with enough information, intuition is called "genius".
I personally don't want a machine to think for the human race, I believe it could limit the development of our souls. I don't think of a soul as a ghostly object where we fly away overhead to a mystical heaven, instead I believe it is a part of us that exists altogether outside our mortal realm of understanding, that ties us in with the rest of the universe, and to god, whatever idea, energy or being he/she may be.
Most people want to shed responsibility as quickly as they can and therefore, if a machine can think for them, they will let it. Its not laziness, nature encourages efficient use of energy, and brainpower is very resource intensive for the body to maintain. Also, the measure of control that kind of computing power will give individuals in a "world government" the necessary ability to track anyone real time, to measure human interactions around the world and be the most invasive technology that has ever been developed. Also considering neuroscience is advancing to interpret brain waves and what a person is thinking, whatever privacy we enjoyed in life will be nonexistent.
If you could create a small particle that would exist in the entire world gathering data on all things(work something akin to a RFID chip, when scanned it would activate, and be tuned to a certain frequency), with processing power to manage that sort of data, you won't just have a "google earth". You will have "real time GADZOOKS! earth". Send out pulses to areas of the world where you want to gather information, all you would need to do is program the computer to recognize things as "people", sounds as "cars, words, laughter", and all the computer would compute it. Perhaps I am overstating the power of these computers, but I believe it is well within the realm of possibility.
I would only trust god with this information, I would never trust a man or woman.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and absolute information is absolute power in a real military sense.
I don't know if i would want to live in that world, but it might not be depends on how good the trade offs are. But then if you follow history, the trade offs will most likely not be in the favor of the common man, so we have a great deal to worry about. Reminds me of my economics professor, trying to say that the "system isn't broke" and "the system recently broke" at the same time, not very convincing.
Man this thread is getting long and sorta off topic...good convo though!