Last part about emitters (Beam will be for another day
Keyframe sets !
Let them coming !
Direction X, Y or Z. X, Y and Z are the reference to the three axes. You can choose in which direction particles will go. Strangely you can only set the "VALUE" between -1 and 1. Variation will still be able to let you get high values (try something like value 1 and variation 50)
Acceleration : self-explanatory.
Spawn offset and Emitter pos (X Y Z) : emitter pos is where your particles will start. The offset is an offset from the emitter pos. So the game will calculate like this : the emitter pos, then it applies the offset.
Speed : absolutly no idea. I tried a lot of values but it didn't seemed to change anything. Maybe it's ties to the way it's render (the default one will always render it in front of the user)
Start scale : initial size of the particle
End scale : final size of the particle at its end-life (very important to understand that)
The particle will go from start to end in "Particle Lifetime" seconds. So if you set a high value for the lifetime, the particle will change size slowly (because it has a lot of time between start and end). With a low lifetime, the particle will change really fast.
Initial rotation (you can use negative values) :it's not a movement ! It's just to say how the particle must be rotated at start.
Rotation rate : movement. You can use negative values to go clockwise. It's in radian/sec
Particle lifetime is how long the particle will stay rendered.
Spawn rate : VERY IMPORTANT. It's how many particles are rendered per second. You must understand that an emitter is like a firestorm, it will always fire new particles.
HINT : with a spawn rate of 10 you'll have a hard time to see what your emitter look like. HEre are some values to see what will be the exact effect.
FIRST : set Direction X Y Z, Acceleration X Y Z, Spawn offset and emitter pos X Y Z at zero. Then set start scale and end scale at 100. Set initial rotation to 0, same for rotation rate. Set particle lifetime to 1. You're almost done. Then set the emitter duration (you know, in the upper windows with trigger time and duration) to 10.
Now you can start doing some changes. Trying to make things rotate, move, change size, add keyframes, then set spawn rate to 10 to see what it will be for real.
Have a nice modding 
Next, beams !