Abilities, Traits, and History's Modification [REL Version 0.46]
Image masterfully created by Tydorius
UPDATED for 1.08 release :
Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?a9xdsi62pah7ac1
Alternate: http://www.ultimateelemental.com/downlaods/download-mods/Elemental-War-of-Magic-Downloads/mods/miscellaneous/Abilities-Traits-and-Historys/
** IMPORTANT: Ensure that you delete the old .XML mod files before updating. This does NOT modify any core files. **
DO NOT use the "/createxmlbinary" EXE command for this mod.
You must start a new and fresh game to see the changes.
I need a coder to inform me of how I can implement "attribute based abilities".
My goal is to see traits and abilities improved. With this mod most traits and professions gain a "passive bonus" that usually benefits you while stationed in cities. A merchant, for example, gains more gold stationed in a city then in the wilderness. He also gives the city a small multiplier bonus. This makes more sense instead of him scouting the landscape he is remaining in the city trading.
HOWEVER, I've been trying to tie these bonuses to the character's attributes with no success. I need someone to fill in the blanks in the coding here. For example, I want a merchant to gain .2 gold + (1/100) wisdom + (1/25) charisma + (1/30) intelligence/ per turn... how do I code this into the <Modifier> in the .XML. I'm stuck.
With all attributes at 10 the Merchant should gain ~+0.8 gold/per turn while stationed in a city. I don't want it to be a "perfect" number, I like the randomization of it. Might need to nerf the equation for late game concerns though.
I'd also like merchants to gain XP for being stationed in a city. No idea how to implement that either...
I also need testers to inform me of bugs, errors, and balancing issues.
Elemental Abilities, Traits, and Histories Mods (Version 0.46)
Created by James009D
I've modified a lot of the core backgrounds, abilities, and histories to offer more unique and fitting bonuses. This also helps to display the importance of leadership as you will now gain some small but important bonuses to keeping units stationed in cities. For example, a merchant king now generates about 1 gildar outside the city but generates another when stationed (which is added to the city income and modifiers) and grants a 5% trade bonus. Another example is the diplomat which generates 1 diplomacy point every 5 turns but can also generate 1 diplomacy point every ~3 turns while stationed in a city and improves the effeciency of the embassy while there by 10%. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
(Update) This mod now makes heroes, champions, and sovereigns even MORE meaningful and useful by adding bonus HP to each unit (4-10 depending on class). Heroes and sovereigns should now be more useful and survivable.
Mods included:
- ModSovAbilities.XLM- Modifies the origional abilities.
- ModNPCHistories.XML- Modifies the NPC histories/abilities.
- ModSovHistories.XLM- Modifies the origional sovereign histories.
- ModSovHistoriesNew.XML- Creates a number of totally histories for sovereigns to use. Proof of concept for new histories.
- ModSovHistoriesText.XML- Creates the text for the new histories.
How to install:
- Place the .XML files into either the "C:\Users\???\Documents\My Games\Elemental\Units" or the default "Mods" folder.
- Make sure "Use Mods" is checked.
Using the mods:
New Histories: The old histories have been updated to be a little more meaningful and fun. Each history (both sov and NPC) also give the unit a bonus in HP from 4-10 to make them last longer and stronger. This should, altogether, make heros, champions, and sovereigns (especially) more meaningful, powerful, and useful.
- Miner: Slightly increased mining ability and bonus metal production.
- Warlord: Now has 3 "Sentinels" upon spawning and gains bonus to unit training.
- Warrior: A much more formidable unit that should be able to stand up to armies and monsters easier. Increased bonus to attack, special abilities, and bonus HP.
- Merchant Master (Was "Merchant"): Gains more gold when inside a city and boosts city income.
- Bard: Cheaper recruitment, bonus prestige to cities, and higher reputation.
- Assassin: Improved attack, special abilities, but cities suffer slower growth.
- Thief: Improved looting, small income bonus, quicker combat speed, better dodging, can sprint, but slightly slower city growth.
- Adventurer: Same movement, increased sight, and better survivability.
- Hunter: Was previously disabled. Gains a wild game improvement, bonus attack to monsters, improved sight, and can set traps (tangled web).
- Royalty: Same prestige bonus, stationed prestige bonus, minor income bonus, and bonus diplomacy. Refugees may be attracted to them.
- Dungeon Master: Same attack bonus as before but can now entangle units.
New Histories:
- Politician- Many Kingdom/Empire related bonuses. Attracts refugees.
- General- More "leadership" related bonuses related to military.
- Scientist- Added research.
- Arcane Researcher- Added spell research.
- Mage- Improved magical abilities and small spell research bonus.
- Farmer- +1 food and food bonuses.
The Abilities: Many bonuses are changed in such a way that they give you a greater bonus while inside a city.
- Brilliant: Bonus to research.
- Dumb: Slower research.
- Diplomatic: Bonus to diplomacy.
- Undiplomatic: Penalties to diplomacy.
- Forced March: Replaced Organized (but still compatible). Unchanged.
- Natural Leader: Same. Bonus to unit training.
- Cruel: Same. Penalty to unit training.
- Hardy: A little cheaper.
- Weak: Less HP.
- Tracker: Unchanged.
- Clumsy: Unchanged.
- Outdoorsman: Bonus attack vs. animals and sight.
- Meditative: Bonus to spell research.
- Organized: New skill. Many small city bonuses.
- Administrator: Many small city bonuses. Greater then organized.
- Unorganized: Many small city penalties.
- Naturalist: Same. Small metal production.
- Prospector: Start near a gold mine. Small gold production.
- Outcast: Diplomacy and recruitment penalty.
- Stupid: Slower spell learning.
- Stubborn: Diplomacy penalties.
- Blunt: Diplomacy penalties, harder to recruit heroes.
- Charismatic: Bonus to recruiting and diplomacy.
- Insane: Same. Small recruitment and diplomacy penalties.
- Builder: Bonus to construction.
- Inefficient: Same. Small penalty in construction and income.
- Ugly: Same. Small recruitment and diplomacy penalties.
- Attractive: Easier reproduction. Small diplomacy and recruitment bonus.
- Infertile: Harder reproduction. Less overall kids.
- Family Oriented: Easier reproduction. More kids.
- Armor Proficiency: Bonus to defense.
- Weapon Proficiency: Bonus to attack.
- Agile: Bonus to combat speed.
- Siege Expert: Bonus to city attack.
- Famous: Bonus to diplomacy, recruitment, and reputation.
Modified NPC Histories: These are available for the old NPCs and champions.
- Farmer: Same. Stationed growth bonus.
- Loremaster, researcher, inventor, and archivist: All gain bonuses to their research. Stationed bonus.
- Merchant: Renamed. Stationed bonus.
- Ironeer: Same. Stationed bonus.
- Administrator: Same. Small stationed bonus to gold, building, and training.
New NPC Histories: These are available for random NPCs or created NPCs.
- Engineer: Bonus to construction and structural attack.
- General: Bonus to unit training and army morale. Stationed bonus.
- Soldier: Bonus to attack and unit training. Crushing blow.
- Scout: Bonus to movement and sight.
- Spy: Like thief. Bonus to looting, sight, and speed.
- Thief: Bonus to looting and speed.
- Diplomat: Previously disabled trait. Provides diplomatic bonuses. Stationed bonus to diplomatic production.
- The background text is incomplete and buggy.
- Doubling ability bonuses.
- Prestige bonuses don't work very well. Need alternative.
- Please let me know if there are any problems!
GOOD LUCK! I hope to see Elemental strive into all it's modding glory!
- Implement personality traits
- Fix background text
- Add bonus HP (and possibly defense or dodge) to all heroes and sovereigns- DONE
- Implement Mage mana restoration (Celerity)
- Discover how to implement passive experience gain
- Discover how to implement "attribute based bonuses"
- Introduce a trait to reduce wages
- Re-create all the core NPCs to have new abilities and more uniqueness.
- Balancing
Want to help?
If you'd like to help contact me on the Elemental forums (James009D) or on either of these threads:
Also, submit your created heroes for the "Community of Heroes Project"!
- .01 - First Release- Passive abilities, completely new history.
- .03 - Second Release- Most abilities completed, added new abilities, more new histories.
- .31- Quickfix- Fixed a bug with the histories text.
- .34- Updated for gold release. Added icons. Fixed a bug.
- .35- Added more abilities. Implemented some special abilities.
- .40- MAJOR UPDATE. Cleaned up a lot of the code, improved bonuses, renamed some traits, improved icons. Updated documentation.
- .45- Large Update. Fixed the doubling bonuses, hero only bonuses (HP), cleaned up descriptions a little, new "Farmer" history, reworked some traits, balancing, minor cleanup and changes.
- .46- Added additional but small bonuses (HP multiplier and dodge) to all heroes. Modified some morale bonuses. Fixed a fiancee typo. Re-implemented "Organized" trait.
Old and Outdated Links:
[.34 Link] http://depositfiles.com/files/jvwbozk82
[.40 Link] http://depositfiles.com/files/u4le3c8j2
[.45 Link] http://www.mediafire.com/?u1dq5iala9c5ot2