SoA 2 "OS" is released. It is far from perfect, but it should tide you guys over till we can get 0.4e out the door.
Some things you need to know about the original sins release.
1) There is no dynamic ship movement. Original sins doesnt support it. That is one of the reasons why we switched to Entrenchment in the first place. I also left most of the original sins ships abilitys in place. though i did swap some around to better suit a ship. I didnt want to put too much time into this.
2) It is a complete rebuild of 0.03c using the method i did to rebuild 0.4e. Which means no vanilla factions are in the mod. It also means that it is incomplete. Though it is much furthur along than 0.03c ever was. I used some 0.4e components in the mod (like the UI changes, and ship stats). It does have working cloaking devices. All Romulan combat ships have them. Only a few Klingon ships do. The bad thing is that you cant "group cloak". You have to select ships individually to use the ability. I dont know how to make it to where you can "fleet cloak".
3) The balancing is still kind of "iffy". I used the 0.4e stats, but those stats took into account dynamic movement. Which the OS build does not have. It is still fun to play despite this.
4) There is a "improvised" research tree for each faction. It is pretty much vanilla sins, and i placed the most appropriate trek ship in a vanilla sins roletype the closely suited it. So we shouldnt have stalled AI's. In my tests the AI performed just as well as vanilla sins, but you may want to play hard AI, and large fleet capacity.
5) I left the pirates alone, and the defenders are Klingon since they are replaced TECH. You need fodder to build levels anyway
I was gonna use Borg for the pirates, but i didnt want to put too much time into this. Remember this is a courtesy. We need to focus on Entrenchment.
6) The Dominion function just fine, but they have no unit voices, and they share music with the feds. The UI is not finished so some buttons for them dont show up (but you can still press them). I didnt intend anyone to play as the dominion just yet. So use the Dominion as an AI opponent for now. If you do play as the Dominion understand that they arent finished yet.
There are some dev.exe errors that i just cant get rid of, but they are not game crashers. i listed what they were in the readme. I tested this thing thrice over and it works fine for me. Dont post about any bugs in the OS version, because we need to focus all of our resources on Entrenchment. Use the OS version at your own risk. Though if it plays like on my machines there shouldnt be any risk.
Anyways hope this will satisfy you guys until we can get 0.4e done barring any more disaterous patches.