Anyone working on a star trek mod? I had some ideas for one. If we arent adding races we still can put in the three most important races. Federation, Klingon Empire and Romulan Star Empire. Unfortunatly theres alot more vareity in Trek Ships then in other races ship designs so some non cannon ships will need to be made for the romulans and klingons to match the 5/5/4 setup in Sins.
Some gameplay adjustments would be needed to make it more inline with star trek some are minor some are major.Minor adjustments would be, Change name of crystal to dilithium, change missile platforms and missiles to photon/plasma torpedos.
More major Changes. Starbases in Star trek are far more powerful and can figure more prominetly in trek then in this game. Stations like Ds9 in the shows was upgraded to match the firepower of capitol ships. A powerful defensive star base would need to be added and this would change the way the game is played. Fighters and Carriers are nearly nonexistant in star trek so the carrier class capitol ship will need to be modified and the hangar bay defensive structure should be turned into torpedo fixtures and the normal gun/torpedo turrents turned into phaser/disruptor arrays.
The most challenging aspect imo is finding the right ships to use. For the federation this isnt too hard as theres many many classes of federation ships that can be used Romulans and klingons not so much tho
Some ideas
nova-scout vessel
Saber-basic assault vessel
Steamrunner torpedo ship?
Defiant advanced assault frigate/destroyer Defiants were small ships but they were armed to the teeth and powerful for their size
Akira (may even be a capitol ship)
Capitol Ship
Galaxy (should have colonization)
Bird of prey d-12-scout
Bird of prey- B'rel basic combat frigate
Bird of prey-K'vort class
scout class (as seen in defector and the enemy episodes of tng)
Science vessel (seen in next phase tng)
Cruisers no idea
Capitol ships
D'deridex class Warbird The iconic romulan warbird
Valdore The new warbirds seen in nemesis
Reman Warbird (the scimitar)
theres some ideas if anyone is making a star trek mod.